AGRO-Based Business

AGRO-Based Business

          After the availability of water the farmers are engaged in dairy industry, poultry and indoor goat farming. Large number of village youth is engaged in this. Earlier hardly 400 lit of milk was sent out of village, now it has gone up by 4 to 5000 lit. Per day. The village fetches an amount of 1 to 1.25 lakhs
of income per day. The village economy has changed.The cow dung is proving as a useful and good quality manure in increasing agricultural production.


Poultry are domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs, meat and/or feathers.

Goat Rearing

Attending to their feed and health needs, empowering themselves with increased incomes in the process

Modern Cowshed

Milk Production

Milk production has increased by four times the amount villagers previously were able to get.

Cooperative Milk Dairy

One of the Ralegan’s media center coordinator, age 25 gave information on villagers work to grow their agriculture-based businesses- “The farmers in village have started Saint Yadavbaba cooperative dairy union to collect and send the milk out of village in market. Every day more than 5000 liters of milk send out of village to sell. All the procedures related to it like collection, storage, distribution and transportation solved many young villager’s unemployment issue.

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